Sunday, January 24, 2010

delicious pasta shells

totally satisfires the vegan craving for macaroni and cheese.

pasta shells
+flax oil
+nutritional yeast
+soy milk
+soy sauce
(avocado or lentils would be delicious...)

oh yes.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


the faucet sneezes spit
city lights echo the stars, but we overdid
trees float since gravity turned
pillows hum with complacency
leaves sing loud with decency
all of the above
got swallowed up
by a dove,
a particularly feisty one, I'll tell
you that.


There was a tragedy in the family
that winter, and I swear, the
clouds were mourning with us.

Good morning was a true thing
that was too hard to say.

So often I kept my mouth shut
that winter, so as not to ripple
when stillness is due.
Reflection became inflection, a tone of
voice, not audible, inside, like a prayer.
For although I kept my mouth shut
there was too much to say and my
head was a loud, congested place to

So when you said good morning,
oh yes, I heard you, and it set
off all the voices asking, telling,
is it really a good morning?
To which one has to conclude its
decidedly not. And by the time
this decision was made, you had
walked on. Walked by. Walked
through me. And inside my head,
I was crying.


Oh, but don't get me wrong, the words aren't always
there. They get lost and forget themselves and trade
And the birds, they sing in the mountaintops, its
worth everything, they call.
And for everyone sleeping on couches the
mountaintops call out to fresh oceanwind to
deep desert hymns to
innertube Jim
to local gyms to
out there words are lost and forgetting
themselves and trading places.
And in here we do the same thing in
closed spaces.
Good night

Cinnamon Apple Ginger Snaps

Because this might have been the name of the cookie in Fantastic Mr. Fox:

Preheat over to 350.

Stick about 3/4 cup of coconut oil in a bowl and put it in the microwave for like, 47 seconds.

Add to this about 1 cup of sugar, 2 tbsp. molasses, a dash of vanilla, 1/3 cup vegetable oil, and a half cup of water. Stir it all up

In a mixing bowl, have your dry stuff: two cups of flour, a tablespoon of baking powder, a couple pinches of salt, and some herbs. We used nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves. I have a hunch some garlic powder would do these good.

Pour all the stuff from the little oil bowl into your dry stuff mixing bowl and mix it all together. Yum, right? It should look super doughy. And taste delicious.
Roll them into little pancakes and put them on a cookie sheet.

FINAL STEP! Cut up some delicious fruit and put it on top. We did apple slices and pear slices. They were completely perfect and different experiences.

Bake them for like, 13 minutes. Let them cool for four minutes. Enjoy with the best beverage you can think of.